23 March 2010

It's GOOD to be back!

Last night's FIRE DRILL* had two fairly "new" songs by Sonia and Paul—"Jolie" and "Don't Think Twice," respectively— and two songs offered up by Jim and myself that dated to 'the elements**' -era with "909" and "Struck."

Everything felt good.

The second half brought some fine-tuning to our take on the Band's waltz, "Evangeline." A re-introduction to Sonia's original, "You Do Good Blue." A new take on another elements-era cover of Cash's "Get Rhythm." A re-worked drum part—more bayou-style "train-rhythm"—to "All Over Now." Some polishing up (sans coughing fit of last week's recording) of "Wild Nights." And a great closing song choice in "Jericho."

Listening to the playback on my rainy ride home last night, I thought—it's GOOD to be back!

* FIRE DRILL is our name for the warm-up songs we start a rehearsal off with—just like a fire drill—play it like a gig, no stopping.

** the elements (intentionally lower-case) was the name of a band (1999 - 2003) where Jim, myself and Sonia first met, musically. Our set list still contains many—since re-worked—songs from that band.

02 March 2010

"It's been a long time..."

I just about ready to open this post with the lament of sore fingers and over-used vocal chords, when I realized it was exactly how I opened my last post, here.

Over a month ago.

February was a complete wash for the Walter Mittys. Two snowstorms and schedule snafus made for no rehearsals after our last gig at the end of January.

It's these kind of rehearsal nights—after a long hiatus—where you question your ability to even play an instrument or remember anything of the dozens of songs you once knew.

However, nobody went home miserable last night. There were rusty spots. There were missing lyrics. There was laughter recorded amongst the melodies and lyrics. And listening to the playback on the ride home, I could see the expressions, rolled-eyes and smiles that went with each of these "not-like-I-remember-the-song" parts.

Our focus was to just get the machine running again. And with that, we ended up picking songs that we had to cut from our last show. The recording was flawed from incorrect mic postioning—and the previously mentioned musical hiccups. But it's safe to say, the Walter Mittys are back!